Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Our apprentice Sander is almost done with his bike. He has a new tank whether he likes it or not.

One big problem I never had...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Gary is doin his thang!

The frame is all tacked, ready to set the motor and trans in for alignment

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In all seriousness...

Everyone needs to watch this!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good times


I get home from Maui yesterday (photos/blog to come soon on this trip) and find that Truckalope Jay had finished the seat for my 79 FLH... it fuckin rules! TOTAL RESISTANCE!

Monday, March 23, 2009

So i went to

start my girls bike and all i got was the starter spinning. after considerable swearing and some thrown shit i took the primary off and lo and behold the fuking asshole who i got the motor from put a the wrong clutch hub on! fuking cocksucker! now i gotta go wheel and deal to exchange this motherfucker for the right one. stay tuned

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I remember this shit

like it was yesterday. whatever these fukers did i copied or tried to copy. i watched the bones brigade video a million times.

Before I go get an egg sandwich

My girl's 79 Shovel

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I was gonna post

some pics of my girls bike but never made it to the garage so figured this would cover it till the weekend!

stole this pic from somewhere. bike fuking rules!!

Fuckin Tony M

Tony M: ern, whats the story here?

Ern: i think the story is pretty self explanatory. she fell in a hole, lost her leg then filled that hole with a horse so the mistake will never be repeated. shes a clever lass.

Triumph pipes part II

I had to fool around withthe left pipe to make it work with the inboard ARD mag, I think I got it, Imade the rear brackets to hold the up sweeps and the seat spring bungs are done, just 1" round stock drilled out with a 1" hole saw, perfect fit. Rear fender and taillight coming this week!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Its always cold in the D!

This is a tank I did for Scott out in Detroit. First full tank I welded, he said there was only one pinhole. It was a brand new Sporty peanut, I lowered the tunnel and moved the petcock back, shippedit back to the Big D and he mocked it up! Bulldog Mafia Mid West Style!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Judge was fuckin badass. That's all. The times I saw them were a lot crazier than these.

so my apprentice is a drunk goth girl

Ben... this was from last weekend. Never be the guy that drinks himself stupid in a garage full of jerks. Wally's been warned multiple times. fuckin apprentices! Their apprenticeship ends up being in general manhood as well as bke building!